Travel Map

I want to see as much of the world as possible while I can. The map I’m making here will serve as a reminder of the memories I made around the world, and as motivation to go out and see the rest.

I’ve made the map in Rmarkdown so anyone reading who has a basic familiarity with R and Rstudio should be able to easily make their own.

To make the map I used R, ggplot, and Google’s geolocation API. I relied heavily on The Lucid Manager’s post in which he creates his own.

First loading all the necessary libraries


Here I’m setting internal filepaths. To reproduce the code below, replace the here() functions with the urls in the comments.

path_flights <- here("static", "map", "trips.csv")
#path_flights <- ""
path_geos <- here("static", "map", "geos.csv")
#path_geos <- ""

Loading the data. I had to add country info to some of the cities to ensure the google API searches for the correct city. I remove this later so it does not show up in my visualization.

flights <- read_csv(path_flights)
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   From       To         
##   <chr>      <chr>      
## 1 Bogota     Cartegena  
## 2 Cartegena  Guayaquil  
## 3 Cusco      La Paz     
## 4 Detroit    Minneapolis
## 5 Durham     Toronto    
## 6 Edingburgh London

Here I’m deleting duplicates and return flights. This helps reduce the clutter in the visual.

d <- vector()
for (i in 1:nrow(flights)) {
    d <- which(paste(flights$From, flights$To) 
               %in% paste(flights$To[i], flights$From[i]))
    flights$From[d] <- "R"
flights <- flights %>%
  filter(From != "R") %>%
  select(From, To)

Next, I grab coordinate data from the google API. I use two layers of conditions to limit the number of calls I’m making to the API. First, I check if I already have a list of locations and coordinates saved. If not, I get a list of all the locations in my flight list and call that API for each. If I already have some coordinates saved, I just check to see if there are any new locations. If there are, I call the API for the new entries only. If not, then I move ahead with my previous dataset.

locations <- unique(c(flights$From, flights$To))
if(file.exists(path_geos)) {
  geos <- read_csv(path_geos)
  new <- locations[!(locations %in% geos$airport)]
  if(length(new) > 0) {
    geos <- new %>%
      geocode() %>%
      mutate(airport = new) %>%
      bind_rows(geos) %>%
      select(airport, lon, lat)
    write_csv(geos, path_geos)
} else {
  new <- unique(c(flights$From, flights$To))
  geos <- new %>%
    geocode() %>%
    mutate(airport = new) %>%
    select(airport, lon, lat)
  write_csv(geos, path_geos)
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   airport       lon    lat
##   <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 Skagen      10.6   57.7 
## 2 Lisbon      -9.14  38.7 
## 3 Copenhagen  12.6   55.7 
## 4 Aarhus      10.2   56.2 
## 5 La Paz     -68.1  -16.5 
## 6 Bogota     -74.1    4.71

Merging trip data and coordinates.

flights <- merge(flights, geos, by.x = "To", by.y = "airport")
flights <- merge(flights, geos, by.x = "From", by.y = "airport")
##        From        To      lon.x     lat.x      lon.y     lat.y
## 1    Aarhus    Skagen  10.579186 57.725004   10.20392 56.162939
## 2    Berlin Marseille   5.369780 43.296482   13.40495 52.520007
## 3    Berlin     Milan   9.189982 45.464204   13.40495 52.520007
## 4    Bogota Cartegena -75.479426 10.391049  -74.07209  4.710989
## 5   Calgary  Winnipeg -97.138374 49.895136 -114.07085 51.048615
## 6 Cartegena Guayaquil -79.922359 -2.170998  -75.47943 10.391049

Removing country info from the city names here.

geos$airport <- geos$airport %>%
  word(1, sep = ",")

Creating my world map object. I’m setting the size limits of my map dynamically. This enables the map to expand dynamically as I travel to more regions of the world

#set size limits of the worldmap. Prevent unvisited regions from displaying
xmin <- min(geos$lon) - 10
xmax <- max(geos$lon) + 10
ymin <- min(geos$lat) - 10
ymax <- max(geos$lat) + 10

#get map
worldmap <- borders("world", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax), 
                    colour = "#eee8d5", fill = "#eee8d5") 

This is the actual plot. The layers are pretty straightforward:

  • geom_curve creates curved lines connecting “From” and “To”.
  • geom_point adds dots at each location
  • geom_text_repel add labels while giving them room to breathe
ggplot() + worldmap + 
    geom_curve(data = flights, aes(x = lon.x, y = lat.x, xend = lon.y, 
                                   yend = lat.y), col = "#2aa198", size = .4) + 
    geom_point(data = geos, aes(x = lon, y = lat), col = "#268bd2") + 
    geom_text_repel(data = geos, color = "#586e75", aes(x = lon, y = lat, label = airport), 
               col = "black", size = 2, segment.color = NA, segment.size = 1) + 
    theme_void() +
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#fdf6e3"))

Finally, save out the file to a folder on my website so I can read it in as an image elsewhere.

  filename = here("static", "map", "travel_map.png"),
  width = 7.5,
  height = 4.5,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 300